Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Culture Shock?

Shocking, isn't it? Unfortunate as it is, I think I have experienced a little culture shock these last few days. I think it was really a culmination of things: getting laughed at when I used Spanish incorrectly, getting scolded for going out for chocolate and churros after a big dinner, not having a community of believers here, missing my family, etc. All of these events escalated to the point of tears at the lunch table yesterday.

Originally, when I got here, I knew my Spanish wasn't perfect, but I thought I could use it well enough to communicate. However, once I got here and used my Spanish in class and learned what was correct and incorrect, my perfectionist side kicked in. I hate making mistakes. (I know, I know...major issue...need to get over it...gonna make them my whole life...haha). Suddenly, after having been laughed at for saying I had my throat taken out instead of my tonsils...oops!...I realized just how much I was butchering the language, and I didn't want to use it anymore! Besides, it was much easier to use English. You don't have to think so hard!

Additionally, my señora got really upset with me the other night because I told her that I was going for chocalate and churros after I had eaten a huge dinner. I found out that that is not the way it works in Spain. She explained to me for ten minutes or so in a raised tone and at a faster pace than usual that you eat that instead of dinner because it is so heavy. She said I should have told her I was doing that, and then I shouldn't have made dinner. Oops. I am a people pleaser, and I get really shaken up when I feel like I have disappointed someone especially authority. I wanted to cry.

Because I haven't had the Internet at my house, it has been very difficult to stay in contact with my family back home. We have been emailing somewhat, but they are short and definitely don't convey all that I want to tell them. To see lots of our other friends getting on Skype freely with their friends and family has been hard. I miss you mom and dad! :)

Again because of the Internet situation, I had a really hard time getting a hold of Cortney and Miguel, the missionaries here. However, we did randomly end up at the right church on Sunday due to its location near our house, and it was great to be a part of a community again. I really really want to get plugged in there soon. So far, they said that students are really returning until October, so it doesn't look like things will start until then. I need to be a part of a body here desperately.

All of these crazy circumstances culminated to the point of tears yesterday at lunch when my señora gave me two huge porkchops and half a plate full of green beans, and I couldn't finish eating it all. I told her I was full, and she said it was because I had gone out for chocolate and churros the night before. She said I had eaten way too much and that is why I still wasn't hungry. I proceeded to tell her that I thought it was because there was so much food on my plate. I told her that until that point I had been eating everything on plate because I thought it was rude not too. But, I said I was leaving every meal feeling sick because I had eaten so much. Of course, this was when the tears started to flow. She told me to stop crying because I look ugly when I cry (she was laughing when she said this...but, the Spaniards are blunt...haha). She said that I should have said something before that because she thought I just ate alot! :) She said she would start giving me less food. Yay! I said I was sorry, and she said it was okay because we just didn't know one another's customs. She gave me a hug, and then I went back to my room and slept. :)

Since the tears flowed yesterday, things seem to have gotten better. I still have a hard time talking in Spanish with people and in class because I don't want to make mistakes. I also still really want to get involved in our church. Please continue to pray for these things. I have been blown away in these past few weeks with how God answers prayer. We have such power when we have faith that He is able to supply our needs. Keep praying. I love and miss you all!


  1. kelsey, you didn't tell me about this lunch! that's so awful, i'm sorry you had to deal with that. i would have been bawling myself, too. i hope things with your senora are better now. and i know we already talked about it in class, but i just want you to know how much i look up to you and your ability in spanish! you know more than you think you do, and you just need to have confidence in yourself. as a perfectionist, i understand that you just gotta do things yourself and at your own pace. just know that you're a great speaker and rock at spanish :) also, i know we go to different churchs, but if you wouldn't mind keeping me updated about these events with your church, that would really be great. i'm really missing my teen group from back home and the church community back at isu, and would love any kind of group where i could get a similar experience. thank you, God bless, and i'll see you tomorrow! :) laura

  2. We love you Kelsey! I can understand many of the things that drive you and make you want to succeed and exel (remember who I work with ;)

    You should be so proud of yourself, your bravery and your trust in God. All the way across the world, somewhat on your own, and with a great start.

    don't worry about crying. We are girls. It's just what we do sometimes. I cried when I was reading your post because I wish many things for you, but know you will grow more without them.

    Know that we DO pray for you, and will focus in on God surrounding you with a group of believers that will pour into you, minister to you, and push you to grow and trust more than you ever have.

    I am listening to Pandora and while I was reading your blog "Hope Now" by Addison Road came on. I am posting the lyrics here for you so that you can hopefully be ministered to through a reminder of God's amazing love and grace and mercy.

    If everything comes down to love
    Then just what am I afraid of
    When I call out Your name
    Something inside awakes in my soul
    How quickly I forget I'm Yours

    I'm not my own
    I've been carried by You
    All my life

    Everything rides on hope now
    Everything rides on faith somehow
    When the world has broken me down
    Your love sets me free

    When my life is like a storm
    Rising waters all I want is the shore
    You say I'll be ok and
    Make it through the rain
    You are my shelter from the storm

    I'm not my own
    I've been carried by You
    All my life

    Everything rides on hope now
    Everything rides on faith somehow
    When the world has broken me down
    Your love sets me free

    (CHORUS 2)
    Everything rides on hope now
    Everything rides on faith somehow
    When the world has broken me down
    Your love sets me free
    You've become my hearts desire
    I will sing Your praises higher
    Cause Your love sets me free
    Your love sets me free
    Your love sets me free

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, guys. Laura, I will for sure keep you updated on the church. We are for sure going this weekend. Let me know if you want to meet at the gas station! :)

    These past couple of days have been a struggle spiritually. I really want to be in the Word and just seeking Him more than I have made time for. Even 30 minutes at night is not enough. Even when I take just a few minutes throughout the day to pray and reflect on his glory, I am overwhelmed. He is so good and so faithful. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne. I just want to spend my days worshiping Him! That is part of what has been causing the emotional battle I think. I want to pray continually; I want to live every moment in his presence. But, I feel like I have been getting very distracted here by unimportant things. Especially in the realm of school and being the best at everything. Being the best students, the best guest, etc. Pray for me in that area. Pray that I would be kingdom minded constantly.

    I was being completely honest with how I was feeling when I wrote this blog. :) I know for sure that it was culture shock. I was just sad that day that I started crying, and I couldn't explain it. For sure, I haven't been myself because of it. Please know that I am loving my time here for sure! And I am going to hate to leave in December. :) I just wasn't myself for a few days due to the changes. Thanks so much again for the encouragement and the prayers.
